Idiota de Sapientia

Tu te scientem putas, cum non sis, hinc superbis. Ego vero idiotam me esse cognosco, hinc humilior. In hoc forte doctior existo.

Freitag, August 04, 2006

KFTF: Keeping Found Things Found

An article about handling personal information collections. Three main behaviour patterns:
* keeping (storing the information that has been used or is being used now because it still can be useful in the future)
* leaving (evaluating information as potentially useful and storing it for the future use)
* doing noting (and relying on re-searching and re-finding when the information is needed)

The autors study various keeping and leaving methods, like sending an email to self, sending an email to friends, printing out, bookmarking...

I introspected my keeping/leaving methods. Additionally to all ten methods described in the paper I use two others:
* I keep the window of the browser open until I must shut my laptop down or until my Mozilla crashes